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   2022    Medicine
Over the past year, Chris Hemsworth have been exploring the science of living longer, doing everything he can to hold back time. But whatever he does, sooner or later, aging and death will win. Now Chris is facing his most extreme and emotional challenge: three days in a retirement village while wearing an aging suit that turns the simplest activity into a Herculean task. He'll be carrying an extra 30 pounds around and shoes that will make him unbalanced, apart from glasses to see improperly and acoustic earmuffs. Later on, Chris is going to do a death-bed meditation. He’s testing the theory that the best way to combat aging and fear of mortality might not be to fight it but accept it,
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth


   2022    Culture
Nathan decides to practice his own assertiveness in relationships by challenging Angela over their son's religious upbringing. Angela, a fervent Christian, refuses to allow Adam to be raised in Nathan's Jewish faith, so Nathan secretly brings his son to lessons with a tutor in Judaism under the pretense of swimming lessons. Seeking solace outside the house, Nathan opens his replica Alligator Lounge to the public under the name Nate's Lizard Lounge. The co-parents argue over a comedy skit featuring six-year-old Adam as 'Dr. Fart' and a joke about eating faeces, which Angela claims is a Satanic practice.
Nathan rehearses the confrontations with a fake Angela, and in one scenario, she harshly criticizes Nathan's emotional detachment and questions the ethics of the entire production. However, in their real final confrontation, Angela simply decides to quit the rehearsal. Nathan continues to raise Adam, now as a single parent.
Series: The Rehearsal

Are We All Bigots

   2015    Culture
If you had less than one second to make a life-or-death decision to shoot a man who might be armed with a lethal weapon, what would you do? Would the ethnicity of the man affect your decision? Are you sure? The outcome – whatever your race – will surprise you. Brain imaging studies are showing that negative cultural stereotypes hijack everyone’s subconscious decision-making. But some science says we can overcome bigotry through exposure, self-awareness and flexible social networks… and, most controversially of all, ultra-violent video games!
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 6

Behavior and Belief

   2019    Culture
Completely proving something can be difficult, if not impossible. So instead, we have the faith of the believer, the confidence interval of the scientist. What we think we know, we really only believe we know.
On this episode of Mind Field, we are going to take a look at a kind of lie we tell ourselves. And we are going to use belief to turn a lie... into a truth.
Series: Mind Field


   2017    Culture
Human society is incredibly complex, and the duelling forces pushing us to conform and also to express our individuality are both necessary. Other people can influence us in good ways and in not-so-good ways.
Michael Stevens takes a look into the human urge to conform and just how strong it is against our own beliefs and sense of selves.
Series: Mind Field Season 1


   2017    Culture
Our relationship with destruction is not a simple one. It can release endorphins and relax our minds. It can amp us up and make us even more aggressive. It can even help us regulate our emotional reactions. Can violently breaking things calm us down? Or does it simply anger us more? Find out as Michael Stevens takes a look into our urge to destroy.
Series: Mind Field Season 1
The Virtual Revolution

The Virtual Revolution

2010  Technology


2021  Culture
The Mind of a Chef

The Mind of a Chef

2017  Culture
Mind Field Season 2

Mind Field Season 2

2018  Technology


2020  History