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Tofu: Good Sex Bad Sex

   2015    Culture
Journalist and Youtuber Benjamin Cook hosts everyday people discussing a variety of attitudes towards sex. Tofu offers a 'honest, non-judgemental and entertaining view of sex and sexuality'

Total Trust

   2023    Culture
The digital possibilities of social control in China have led to an unprecedented level of state surveillance. Through self-censorship or spying on neighbors, surveillance covers not only those perceived as a threat by the government, but increasingly and ever more totally the ordinary citizen: whether buying flowers, taking your child to school, or taking out the trash at night. Big Data and digital technologies are already being used as weapons to curtail freedoms. Step by step, the social and political behavior of the Chinese is changing.
The documentary explores, in intimate detail, digital social control in China by following the experiences of two families and a journalist. Film-maker Jialing Zhang gives an exclusive and previously impossible intimate insight into the interior of China and tells a deeply disturbing story of how the state uses technology to control its citizens as well as propaganda to convince its people to trust it. She tells a deeply disturbing story about technology, (self-) censorship and abuse of power.

Toxic Iraq

   2013    Culture
In 'Gun School' we visit the New Life Baptist Church & Academy in Albuquerque, NM, where Pastor Larry Allen preaches guns and teaches guns. In 'Toxic Iraq', after ravaging Iraq over the past decade, the U.S. is finally exiting the country, leaving behind a toxic cesspool of military waste.
Series: Vice

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King

   2022    Culture
This is the story of Gerald Cotten and the many people who ended up with empty bank accounts after investing in his Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange, QuadrigaCX. What does a crypto exchange do? The movie explains it concisely and it almost makes sense: A guy like Cotten takes an investment, converts it to Bitcoin and trades it in hopes of turning a profit, kind of like a stock day trader does. Cotten ’s described as a nerdy guy who felt like an outcast, but found a community of like-minded types in the cryptocurrency world.
Cotten was in India when he got sick and unexpectedly died; he was 30. At the time, QuadrigaCX was Canada’s biggest crypto exchange, holding north of $200 million. But nobody could access the keys and passwords to the company’s accounts and, against conventional wisdom, the company had no safeguards to stop such a thing from happening. Everyone who invested their money was left grasping at empty air. Internet forums foster ideas such as Cotten faked his death and took the money. The journalists and forensic accountants who lend the voice of reason, explores the oddities in the Cotten narrative, ruling out some of the crazier stuff in a quest for the truth.

Uncle Tom

   2020    Culture
In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America's most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a unique look at being black in America. Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative.
This eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.

United We Stand Divided We Fall

   2022    Culture
In 2011, a Social Security lawyer named Eric C. Conn and a judge named David Daugherty were investigated for committing massive fraud over many years. Conn figured out that he would get paid a hefty retainer for every Social Security disability payment he managed to get approved, so he and Daugherty (who need quick cash to pay for his daughter’s upcoming narcotics trial – which presumably meant bribing an awful lot of people) came to an arrangement.
In the second episode, Investigators starts to collect evidence against Eric and Judge Daugherty. The whistle-blowers are pressured.
Series: The Big Conn
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
The Story of India

The Story of India

2007  History
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Engineering the Future

Engineering the Future

2022  Technology
The Story of Us

The Story of Us

2018  Culture
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature