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Love on the Spectrum U.S S2E3

   2024    Culture
Each segment of the series focuses on different individuals, exploring their personal stories with sensitivity and candor. From the excitement of a first date to the nuances of communication and social cues, the film offers a rare glimpse into the romantic lives of those on the autism spectrum. It celebrates the unique ways in which they experience love and relationships, while also addressing the societal barriers they often face. Through these stories, the documentary aims to foster a greater understanding of autism and the diverse ways in which it affects people's lives, especially in the context of dating and love.
In the third episode, Tanner gets to know Kate with a series of questions. A daring Dani catches Jake off guard. Connor works through big feelings before his first date.
Series: Love on the Spectrum U.S.

Love on the Spectrum U.S. S02E01

   2024    Culture
‘Love on the Spectrum’ captivates with its fresh and deeply human perspective on the complexities of romantic relationships. This reality show, following individuals on the autism spectrum as they navigate the world of dating, is a celebration of diversity and inclusiveness, offering a unique window into dating experiences seldom portrayed in mainstream media. The second season delves deeper into the personal stories of its participants, providing a narrative rich in emotions, challenges, and victories. The series stands out for its genuine, unscripted approach, breaking down prejudices and initiating important dialogues about diversity in relationships.
In the first episode, James and Dani continue their search for love. David plans a sweet surprise for Abbey. Newbie Connor brings an open mind to his first speed-dating event.
Series: Love on the Spectrum U.S.

Chimp Empire: Paradise

   2023    Nature
Dive into the heart of Uganda's Ngogo Forest, where a community of chimpanzees exhibits an intricate dance of politics, family ties, and territorial conflict. For a quarter-century, scientists and trackers have witnessed firsthand the chimps' evolving political dramas and familial bonds. Now, this series offers an unprecedented lens into this world, capturing the tribe's most defining moments: battles for dominance, growing offspring, budding romances, and the ever-shifting leadership. Join us for an intimate journey into the lives of the Ngogo chimps, where every day is a fight for survival and power. Don't miss this captivating look into the heart of the chimp empire.
The first episode delves into the captivating world of chimpanzees, drawing parallels with human existence. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on an enlightening journey into the lives of these primates, highlighting the profound similarities and unique stories they share with humans.
Series: Chimp Empire

Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

   2023    Medicine
In a world where the pursuit of health pushes us towards organic aisles and fresh produce, this film uncovers a chilling revelation: the very foods promoted for wellness might be our greatest peril. As we navigate grocery store aisles, seemingly benign items like romaine lettuce, cut fruit, and even infant formula hide tales of contamination and legal battles. This gripping exposé dives deep into the unsettling truth about our food, revealing risks where we least expect them.
With every bite, we make choices about our health. But what if those choices, even the most well-intentioned ones, are not as safe as we believe? Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food challenges our perceptions and urges viewers to question: In the modern food landscape, is anything truly safe? The film is a truly call to action for the officials who have the power to mitigate the danger caused by foodborne pathogens that kill thousands of people every year.

Frozen South

   2022    Nature
Antarctica is the most hostile of all earth’s frozen worlds. Yet even here, amongst some of the most challenging conditions on the planet, life finds a way not just to survive, but thrive.
Our journey begins at the far edge of the continent, on its far-flung sub-Antarctic islands. Here we meet king penguins that, to feed at sea, must face the danger of ferocious leopard seals lurking in the shallows. On another island, we witness for the first time male Antipodean wandering albatross partnering up with each other as the females in their population are disappearing due to fishing activity.
Heading towards the continent of Antarctica, we traverse the roughest seas on earth - the Southern Ocean - where we find the rarely filmed Antarctic blue whale, the largest animal to have ever lived. At the edge of Antarctica, the sea is so cold that it freezes over, creating a vital ice platform for a mother Weddell seal to raise her precious pup. Still, she needs to protect him from aggressive males.
In spring, the coast of Antarctica is free of snow, drawing in thousands of breeding chinstrap penguins. Stones are at a premium to build their elevated nests and protect chicks from meltwater. But stealing is commonplace, and to make matters worse, with climate change we find chicks today shivering with hypothermia – a warming Antarctica means increased meltwater. Other residents are facing an uncertain future too, including wave-washing killer whales. We discover that their favourite prey, Weddell seals, are now harder to reach, so instead they are resorting to targeting much more feisty prey, including leopard seals, an apex predator in its own right. This dramatic encounter has never been filmed before.
Travelling into the interior of the continent - into the frozen heart of Antarctica - we find great surprises. This is one of the most volcanic regions on earth, and one of the driest. We reveal unexpected sand dunes, hidden in a rare ice-free valley. Then, on the exposed mountain tops, sticking out from the otherwise ice-covered interior, we find tiny snow petrels, which raise their chicks further south than any other bird, and defend their territory by projectile vomiting!
The greatest revelation lies deep in the interior, beneath the surface of an ice-covered lake, where we discover ancient alien-like structures - giant stromatolites - built by primitive lifeforms. If life can make it here, in the extremes of Antarctica, it raises the possibility that life can exist elsewhere, including in the frozen lakes of distant planets.
Series: Frozen Planet II

Navy of the Damned

Recent archaeological sites in England offer a whole new perspective on the life and death of the seafarers and marines who built the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. The bones of sailors reveal surprising and shocking facts. Apparently not only seasoned men but also half children did their service in the Royal Navy; according to the investigations, the youngest were no older than 13 years. A forensic archaeologist studies the injuries on bones discovered at the site of an battle and suggests how these people may have died.
Three-hundred-and-fifty skeletons, exhumed from Royal Navy graveyards from the age of Nelson's Navy, are throwing an extraordinary new light on how these sailors lived, fought, outwitted their enemy, and, from the oldest to youngest, suffered for victory. These men were the beating heart of the most victorious fleet in history and never have so many of these sailors' remains been available for forensic investigation.
Six remarkable stories stand out: the child sailor, the top man, the American gunner, the freed slave, the marine and the victim of the sailor's most dreaded disease: syphilis. Broken bones, amputations, injuries from blows with a saber or cutlass, sexually transmitted diseases, but also malnutrition - the list of causes of death is long. There is definitely no tale of seafaring romance. These fighters and sailors sailed the globe as cannon fodder, conquered an empire for the crown, and were themselves forgotten. No longer just bones in a box, the men of Nelson's Navy are back from the dead.
Series: Warrior Graveyard
Apocalypse: World War 1

Apocalypse: World War 1

2014  History
How the Universe Works

How the Universe Works

2014  Science
The Keepers

The Keepers

2017  Culture
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
The Jinx

The Jinx



2020  History