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"Law"  Sort by

Mr. Social Security

   2022    Culture
Follows the story of Eric Christopher Conn, a Kentucky attorney who managed to steal over 550 million dollars from the U.S. government through its Social Security program.
In the first episode, Eric C. Conn, the biggest social security lawyer in eastern Kentucky, is threatened when a reporter starts looking into his professional connections.
Series: The Big Conn

137 Shots

   2021    Culture
Law enforcement faces scrutiny as Americans demand justice after police violence claims multiple Black lives in Cleveland. The film examines the case in Cleveland where police officers shot at unarmed suspects in a car 137 times. Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams were the victims.
While looking at policing standards within the city of Cleveland, '137 Shots' also examines the shooting of 12-year old Tamir Rice by Cleveland police officers. This film is an extremely tough thing to watch, but necessary in order to bring about awareness for change.


   2021    History
Survivors, observers, and expert government officials recount the 1971 uprising at the Attica Correctional Facility. The violent five-day standoff between mostly Black and Latino inmates and law enforcement gripped America then, and highlights the urgent, ongoing need for reform 50 years later.

From Ice to Fire: The Incredible Science of Temperature

   2021    Science
Physicist Dr Helen Czerski journeys to the extremes of the temperature scale, where the everyday laws of physics break down and a new world of scientific possibilities begins. In the first part, Frozen Solid, Helen reveals how cold has shaped the world around us and why frozen doesn't mean what you think it does. She meets scientists pushing temperature to the limits of cold, driving technologies such as superconductors.
The second part, A Temperature for Life, explores the narrow band of temperature that has led to life on Earth, how life began where hot meets cold and how every living creature depends on temperature for survival. In the last part, Playing with Fire, Helen Czerski explores the science of heat. She reveals how heat is the hidden energy contained within matter with the power to transform it from state to state.

Four Hours at the Capitol

   2021    History
The film is an immersive chronicle of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, when thousands of Donald Trump's followers from across the country gathered in Washington D.C. to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election, many with the intent of disrupting the certification of Joe Biden’s presidency.
'Four Hours at the Capitol' features never-before-seen footage and vivid first-hand accounts from lawmakers, staffers, police officers, protesters, and rioters who stormed the Capitol building where the electoral votes were being counted. The film details how the violence quickly escalated, leaving Capitol security forces outnumbered and overwhelmed, and highlights the high-stakes standoff between police and rioters. The documentary presents a stark reminder of the wider ramifications of the events of that unprecedented day, which ended with the deaths of five people and more than 140 police officers injured.

Journey to a Black Hole

   2021    Science
We as humans often question the creation of the universe. How was the universe created? How does it work? This series uses global experts from organizations like NASA and CERN to help us understand how this works, and uses CGI to demonstrate the phenomena.
Episode 1 starts the new season as we dive deep into the black holes. The galaxy M87 is known for having at the core a super massive black hole. This black hole is the first ever photographed and we will witness the experts trying to find out the secrets of this famous black hole. In the meantime, they have overcome the scorching winds and death ray jets. And of all its hurdles, the event horizon will be the most difficult. This place is known for its uniqueness of time and space, where time stays still while the laws of physics fail.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9
Becoming Human

Becoming Human

2010  History
Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

2017  Nature
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
Human universe

Human universe

2014  Technology