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"Morgan Freeman"  Sort by

Us and Them

   2018    Culture
Can we bridge the divide between 'us' and 'them'? At a time when the whole world seems to be polarizing into irreconcilable camps, Morgan Freeman sets out on a journey in search of the forces that push us apart, from intolerance of differences to fear of outsiders, and the possibilities of coming together.
Series: The Story of Us

What Makes a Terrorist

   2016    Culture
Hosted by Morgan Freeman, this series explores the deepest mysteries of existence. These questions have been pondered by the most exquisite minds of the human race. Now, science has evolved to the point where hard facts and evidence may be able to provide us with answers instead of philosophical theories. In the first episode of the season 7, terrorists, like any group, have a cause to rally around. But for them, the cause justifies the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians. How can they think that way? Now, science is peering into the dark heart of terror networks to find out why.
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 7

Who is God

   2016    Culture
In the third episode of the series, Morgan Freeman examines different faiths' concepts of God, discovering how monotheism began in Egypt and Israel and allowing a neuroscientist to examine his own brain.
Series: The Story of God

Why Does Evil Exist

   2016    Culture
In the fifth episode of the series, Morgan Freeman sets to examine the nature of evil, visiting a serial killer in prison and witnessing an exorcism in India. He also explores ancient beliefs, including Zoroastrianism.
Series: The Story of God
Frozen Planet II

Frozen Planet II

2022  Nature
Nova Wonders

Nova Wonders

2018  Technology
Chased by Sea Monsters

Chased by Sea Monsters

2003  Science
Chimp Empire

Chimp Empire

2023  Nature
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture
All or Nothing: Arsenal

All or Nothing: Arsenal

2022  Culture