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Children 404

   2014    Culture
Putin's new law that forbids 'propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors' hits millions of gay/lesbian youngsters in Russia. Parents and friends of gay kids now are obliged to tell them they are sick, sinful and abnormal. These teens have no forum, find no help in Russia, you won't even find them on the internet: Error 404. For the first time, the bravest of them turn to the camera in the new film of 'Winter Go Away'


   2012    Nature
A young common chimpanzee nicknamed Oscar is part of a close-knit tribe of chimpanzees. They occupy a forest territory which is rich in native fruits, nuts, and figs, among other things. The chimps hunt small tree monkeys, and they also eat termites collected with primitive tools made from sticks. They also use rocks as tools to crack nuts. Oscar is tended by his mother, nicknamed Isha, and from her he begins learning many things about how to survive in the jungle. In the chaos of an attempted raid by a rival gang of chimpanzees led by 'Scar', Isha is injured and separated from the group and her son. This twist of fate leaves Oscar to fend for himself with a little help from an unexpected ally.

Comet of the Century

   2013    Science
Comet ISON can well be the brightest and most spectacular comet for a generation. It appeared above the eastern horizon from December 2013 as a glorious streak across the sky. ISON has been travelling towards the sun for ten thousand years and will make only one orbit through its corona before disappearing off into the outer solar system.
But as well as providing a great spectacle, ISON's tail of vaporised gas and water, hundreds of millions of kilometres long, will give insights into some of the greatest mysteries of science; it will help explain the origins of the solar system, whether earth's water was delivered on comets and even whether we are alone in the universe.


   2022    Nature
What If we could talk to animals? For as long as we've shared our lives with pets, we've been seeking better ways to communicate with them. In Washington state, Alexis Devine and her sheepadoodle Bunny think they've found a way of making communication a reality. Alexis went further than most, with a set of communication buttons, each programmed with a pre-recorded word to help humans and animals speak the same language. She has 90 buttons with which to express herself and even seems to combine them into simple sentences. Bunny is paving the way in pet communication.
The undisputed masters of verbal communication are our pet parrots. They have mastered the art of vocal expression. Some parrots have even learned to fool devices designed to recognize human voices.
Series: The Hidden Lives of Pets


   2010    Science
Attenborough's journey continues in Canada's Rocky Mountains, where fossils document an explosion in animal diversity never seen before or since. Travelling from there to North Africa, the rainforests of Australia and the east coast of Scotland, Attenborough discovers how animals evolved to conquer not only the oceans but also the land and air. These remote and fascinating creatures are brought to life as never before with the help of cutting-edge scientific technology and photorealistic visual effects. From the first large predators to the first legs on land, these were creatures that evolved the traits and tools that allow all animals, including ourselves, to survive to this day.
Series: First Life


   2008    Science
A constellation is a group of stars that are connected together to form a figure or picture. Explore some of the 88 official constellations and learn about some of the highlights of each.
Series: The Universe
Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods

2009  History
The Big Conn

The Big Conn

2022  Culture
Human universe

Human universe

2014  Technology


The Rehearsal

The Rehearsal

2022  Culture