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The Blob: A Genius without a Brain

   2021    Science
Not an animal, nor a plant, nor fungi, the blob is one giant single cell whose amazing capacities are leading pioneer scientists to a very new world – that of brainless intelligence. More commonly known as slime mould, this extraordinary one-billion-year-old organism challenges our understanding in many different fields.
This fascinating documentary follows top experts from Europe, Japan and the US on a scientific investigation into this most surprising organism.

The Search for Intelligent Life on Earth

   2020    Nature
Episode 7 focuses specifically on first contact and the search for intelligent life in the vastness of the cosmos. Are humans ready to make first contact with other intelligent beings? Is our technology even sophisticated enough to detect communication signals from another world? Who are we to search for alien intelligence when we can't even recognize or respect the consciousness all around us, or even beneath our feet.
Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals the hidden underground network that is a collaboration of four kingdoms of life, and a true first contact story between humans and beings who communicate in a symbolic language and have maintained a representative democracy for many tens of millions of years.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

The Hunt The Hardest Challenge

   2015    Nature
The contests between predators and prey are the most dramatic events in nature. Taking an intimate and detailed look at the remarkable strategies employed by hunters to catch their prey and the hunted to escape. Sir David Attenborough narrates. "The Hardest Challenge" reveals the extraordinary range of techniques predators use to catch their prey - from a leopard using all its powers of stealth to stalk impala in broad daylight to wild dogs, whose tactic is to wear down their prey over long distances; from Nile crocodiles, the planet's most patient predators, to killer whales who use teamwork and intelligence to take on humpback whales. But even with these finely tuned strategies, the outcome is far from certain. Surprisingly, most predators fail most of the time.
Series: The Hunt

The Future of Work and Death

The film explores the growth of exponential technology and where it is taking us. It focuses on how future technology could significantly change the two inevitable features of the human experience; punching the clock and fading away. 'The Future of Work and Death' explores how advanced automation, AI and technological singularity could be achievable in the next 30 years.
How job obsolescence and technological unemployment could consequently occur and how digital immortality can occur may not be a thing of science fiction. But what are the socio-political repercussions of these innovations and are we ready for them? Does working less mean living more and is ending ageing incumbent on us? Worldwide experts in the fields of futurology, anthropology, neuroscience and philosophy share their thoughts on these future advancements.

The A.I. Race

   2018    Technology
Explore how Artificial Intelligence will change your job as new research shows how much of what you do could be done by robots. From truckers to lawyers & doctors, we bring affected workers face to face with AI experts. How can we prepare for the coming changes to the world economy? We are on the precipice of another technological transformation. The last industrial revolution turned society upside down. It ultimately delivered greater prosperity and many more jobs, as well as the eight hour day and weekends. But the transition was at times shocking and violent.
The question is, can we do better this time? We don't realize that the future is not inevitable. The future is the result of the decisions we make today. These technologies are morally neutral, they can be used for good or for bad. There's immense good things they can do, they can eliminate many disease, they can help eliminate poverty, they can tackle climate change. Equally, the technology can be used for lots of bad. It can be used to increase inequality,it can be used to transform warfare. It can be used to make our lives much worse. We get to make those choices.

Island of Lemurs Madagascar

   2014    Nature    3D
Morgan Freeman narrates Island of Lemurs: Madagascar, the incredible true story of nature's greatest explorers - lemurs. Scientist Patricia Wright has a passion for preserving the life of one particular creature: the lemur. These lively animals found in Madagascar face all sorts of threats, just like so many other animals in a world in which they are increasingly crowded out by humans. Her passion for the subject is compelling and plainly evident, but it's the silent testimony of the animals themselves that really makes the case. Countless hours of footage are trimmed down to create this tapestry depicting the lives of these creatures of remarkable intelligence and ingenuity. Their daily routines and extraordinary adventures are awesome to behold, as is the way that the community functions. A full immersion into the world of the lemurs means great insights on these unusual animals.