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Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle 1of2

   2018    History
The series examines Rev Jim Jones' transformation from charismatic preacher and champion of civil rights into egomaniacal demagogue who led the biggest mass suicide in American history. On the 40th anniversary of the deaths of more than 900 people in the Peoples Temple in Guyana, the film hears from the handful who made it out alive.
The first episode shows how Jim Jones forms the Peoples Temple after an unusual childhood. Members are captivated; his lust for power becomes unstoppable. The press exposes the dark side of Jim Jones, causing a mass exodus to Jonestown. His followers soon realize it's not the utopia their leader promised.
Series: Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle

Countdown to Zero

   2010    Technology
A stunning documentary about the escalating global nuclear arms crisis, Countdown to Zero is a fascinating and frightening exploration of the dangers of nuclear weapons, exposing a variety of present day threats and featuring insights from a host of international statesmen and experts. Among the voices are President Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, Pervez Musharraf, Tony Blair, former CIA Operations Officer Valerie Plame Wilson, the Ploughshares Fund’s Joe Cirincione and Stanford political scientist Scott Sagan. traces the history of the atomic bomb from its origins to the present state of global affairs: nine nations possessing nuclear weapons capabilities and others racing to join them, with the world held in a delicate balance that could be shattered by an act of terrorism, failed diplomacy, or a simple accident. It makes a compelling case for worldwide nuclear disarmament, an issue more topical than ever with President Obama and other world leaders working to revive this goal today. Written and directed by Lucy Walker, Countdown to Zero was screened for attendees of this year’s Global Zero International Conference in Paris and the TED Conference in Long Beach, California.

Wild Wild Country Part One

   2018    Culture
When the followers of the Indian so-called 'guru of sex', Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, start to build a utopian city in the Oregon desert, a massive conflict with local ranchers ensues; producing the first bioterror attack in US history, the largest case of illegal wiretapping, and the world's biggest collection of Rolls-Royce automobiles.
In the first episode, under the watchful eye of his secretary, Ma Anand Sheela, spiritual leader 'Osho' moves his ashram from India to Oregon in 1981.
Series: Wild Wild Country

The Nazis, A Warning From History. Episode 2

   1997    History
The BBC's definitive television history of the rise and fall of the Nazis. The Nazis - A Warning From History exposes the popular myths surrounding the rise and fall of the Third Reich. The series explores how the Nazis came to power, how they ruled, how they treated their occupied territories and, above all, how a cultured nation could be responsible for such acts of inhumanity. How could a political party as fundamentally evil and overtly racist as the Nazis come to power? This remains one of the most enigmatic questions of the last century. Acclaimed historian Laurence Rees examines what led a cultured nation at the heart of Europe to commit the atrocities it did. In so doing, he exposes popular myths and encourages understanding of the real forces that led to one of the darkest chapters in modern history. Was it simply the hypnotic power of Hitler's rhetoric? Did the Gestapo really impose themselves by terror on an unwilling population? Through interviews with witnesses and perpetrators, along with archive film and records, this six-part series unveils a more chilling reality.
Series: The Nazis, A Warning From History

102 Minutes That Changed America

New York City, September 11, 2001. The morning everything changed.102 minutes passed between the first plane's impact into One World Trade Center, the second plane's attack on Two World Trade Center, and the eventual collapse of both buildings. In that time, people around New York experienced a range of emotions. Despite the horror and the incomprehensibility of what was happening, many knew, somehow, that they had a unique responsibility to record what they saw. They reached for their cameras.
This unprecedented documentary special joins hundreds of pieces of their footage and audiotape into a single, seamless historical record. It is an intensely personal perspective of the tragedy, communicating for the first time that morning s events, as they were experienced by people around New York. It is an evocative, authentic and reverential memorial to one of the most cataclysmic events in world history.

Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle 2of2

   2018    History
A heroic congressman, Leo Joseph Ryan Jr, travels to Jonestown; some Temple members plot their escape. Jim Jones realizes the walls are closing in and plans his final stand. After the massacre, the world learns about mass murder/suicide in Jonestown, orchestrated by cult leader. Survivors try to piece their lives back together.
Series: Jonestown: Terror in the Jungle


2007  Science
Becoming Human

Becoming Human

2010  History
Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

2017  Nature
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
Human universe

Human universe

2014  Technology