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The School

   2017    Culture
Former students of Archbishop Keough High School reveal allegations of sexual abuse by Father Joseph Maskell, the chaplain of the school. It details the personal story of 'Jane Doe' (Jean Hargadon Wehner) who claims that Father Maskell took her to see the dead body of Sister Catherine Cesnik in Lansdowne, Maryland.
Series: The Keepers

Hunt for the Universe Origin

   2022    Sicence
Experts explore the elusive endeavor of determining the age of the cosmos. Understanding the age of the universe is fundamental to understanding the universe at all. It's at the heart of everything. We want to know how much mass is in it, how much energy is in it, how it behaves. We have to have this number nailed down. The age of the universe enables us to not only understand where we came from, but potentially, the fate of the universe, what will happen millions and billions of years from now.
The idea that the universe grew from a ball smaller than a pinhead is hard to understand, but figuring out when it happened sounds like it should be more straightforward. But it turns out, getting the age of the universe is pretty tricky.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 10

The Burial

   2017    Culture
Deep Throat comes forward with the orders of anonymity with the horror story of what happened in 1994 with the charges against Maskell. With the location of a secret grave of documents, Deep Throat’s story contradicts the story of the former state’s attorney Sharon A.H. May. The group begins to investigate Dr. Richter who worked with Maskell to groom girls and their families.
As the case prepares for a potential trial, the disappearance of Father Maskell causes problems as the prosecutors find themselves defending the idea of repressed memories. When things fall apart, victims still find themselves seeking justice. Abbie and Gemma seek the links between Jean and the killer... which leads to a man named Brother Bob.
Series: The Keepers

Space Warfare

   2021    Technology
Space. Gone are the bayonets and pistols, the bows and arrows, the slingshots and stones of past warfare. Now, we have pushed into the outer limits, into a vast frontier, well beyond earth's atmosphere. Human beings have long contested the domains of air, land, and sea. Now we are racing toward a new domain. How we use space will decide our Earthly fate, a future determined not by any previous war.
Series: Future Warfare

The Suspects

   2017    Culture
Lil Hughes Knipp recalls meeting Father Maskell near his end... and knowing that he would never be charged. The search for Brother Bob and a potential killer begins, and the revelation of a potential suspect named Edgar Davidson comes forward with an interesting story.
With more people coming forward, more suspects appear including a man named Billy Schmidt who lived in Cathy’s apartment. A contact from one of Cathy’s sisters could give new insight on the case.
Series: The Keepers

Love Trap

   2020    Nature
In America the summer twilight brings out a magical display of glittering lights. Millions and millions of fireflies, an ethereal sight. But behind this twinkling facade is a fierce female setting a deadly trap. The femme-fatale of fireflies is part seductress, part vampire, as Reese shows us the fireflies' deadly trickery to provide nourishment to their young.
Series: Fierce Queens


2020  History
Dinosaur Planet

Dinosaur Planet

2003  Science
The Cell

The Cell

Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature