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"Police"  Sort by

Closing the Net

   2019    History
With the killer's identity - and twisted motives - revealed, the group finds more key clues as the global police manhunt reaches a fever pitch. A question arises: Were we complicit in his crimes? Did we feed the narcissism of the monster to the point where he had to go forward?
Series: Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

137 Shots

   2021    Culture
Law enforcement faces scrutiny as Americans demand justice after police violence claims multiple Black lives in Cleveland. The film examines the case in Cleveland where police officers shot at unarmed suspects in a car 137 times. Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams were the victims.
While looking at policing standards within the city of Cleveland, '137 Shots' also examines the shooting of 12-year old Tamir Rice by Cleveland police officers. This film is an extremely tough thing to watch, but necessary in order to bring about awareness for change.

Wild Wild Country Part Six

   2018    Culture
With increasing rumours of a pending arrest intensified, the Bhagwan flees the ranch. The two Learjets carrying Rajneesh and ten of his followers lands at the Charlotte airport, where U.S. police were waiting for them. The United States Marshals Service arrests Rajneesh. Almost simultaneously, Sheela and several followers are also arrested in Germany. In a federal court in Portland, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh pleads guilty to immigration fraud charges and agrees to leave the country. The Bhagwan's devotees -- and his enemies -- reflect on his legacy.
Series: Wild Wild Country

The Great Burden

   2015    History
In the eighth episode, after two long days of closing arguments, the jury deliberates. Steven's fate hinges on whether the jury believes police misconduct may have occurred.
Series: Making a Murderer

Walk into the Light

   2020    Culture
After four decades of searching for him, they got a one hundred percent match to the Golden State Killer's DNA. As 72-year-old former police officer Joe DeAngelo's arrest unfolds in real time, chilling facts materialize that illuminate Michelle McNamara's prescience in her book's epilogue.
Series: I Will Be Gone In The Dark

The Conclusion

   2017    Culture
Charles Franz talks about his relationship with Father Maskell as a young student and reveals what he knows about the Church’s involvement with Maskell. Cathy’s sister sees the necklace given by Edgar Davidson and questions if it has significance.
Potential DNA and evidence could exist for the crime, and the police might be forced to act. A push for victims’ rights in Maryland goes to a committee but getting justice might be more difficult... and time doesn’t stand still for anyone.
Series: The Keepers