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"Physiology"  Sort by

The Stilwell Brain

   2019    Medicine
A single microscopic brain cell cannot think, is not conscious, but if you bring in a few more brain cells, and a few more, and connect them all, at a certain point, the group itself will be able to think and experience emotions and have opinions and a personality and know that it exists. How can such astonishing things be made from such simple ingredients? Well, answering that question means learning not only who we are but, more importantly, how we are.
Today, using what neuroscientists know so far, we are going to make a town function like a brain, using people as neurons.
Series: Mind Field

What is the Right Diet for You 3of3

   2015    Medicine
So far the volunteers have successfully been losing lost weight, but now the honeymoon period is over. It is the final two months of the diet, and their minds and bodies are fighting back. Dr Chris van Tulleken and Professor Tanya Byron find out if the new personalised diets will help them stay on course, and the experts reveal the scientific secrets to permanent dieting success.
Series: What is the Right Diet for You

What is the Right Diet for You 2of3

   2015    Medicine
It is time to see if personalised dieting will work in normal life. The volunteers have been given one of three diets to follow - based on their genes, their hormones and their psychology. But now they are back at home, trying to stick to their personalised diets with all the stresses and temptations of real life. Dr Chris van Tulleken and Professor Tanya Byron discover how our genetic makeup can make temptation difficult to resist, how understanding the brain reveals what makes us comfort eat and what science can tell us about why we make disastrous food choices.
Series: What is the Right Diet for You


   2021    Medicine
The episode is a journey through the human gut and the process of turning food into energy to keep the body going. Humans have turned eating into culture, a way to celebrate our roots, to bring us together. But food is really just one thing: Fuel. It's where you get the power to live your life. Even when you're sitting completely still, your body needs a lot of energy to stay on. But nowhere is the need for fuel more apparent than when you push yourself to the absolute limit. And the microbiome, the bacteria living in our gut, plays a great role in all this.
Series: Human: The World Within


   2021    Medicine
What's behind a pulse? The second episode dives into the world of an ice climber, a bus driver, a woman in labor, and a senior dance club to show how the human heart and the circulatory system power our physical and emotional lives, and create the pulsing rhythm of our world.
Series: Human: The World Within


   2022    Medicine
Chris turns to longevity doctor Peter Attia to find out how changing his eating habits can help his quest for longevity. Ironically, the answer is to eat no food at all for four long days. If he can bear the hunger, fasting will unlock his body’s own anti-aging powers and give Chris the edge he needs when he tries to hunt for his next meal … by spearfishing off the Great Barrier Reef.
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth


2023  Science
Ice Age Giants

Ice Age Giants

2013  Science
The Jinx

The Jinx

The Universe

The Universe

2010  Science
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature