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"agriculture and livestock"  Sort by


   2023    Nature
Clarkson is ready to submit his application for his farm restaurant; he must use gentle navigation and respect for bureaucracy in order to keep his interests afloat. This, of course, is not easy for Jeremy, so he must be careful. Faced with Council powers that be, Jeremy uses two of his greatest skills: diplomacy and respect for red tape.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2


   2023    Nature
Clarkson's herd of cows begins to settle in on the farm, but things immediately begin to go awry. The cows aren't keen on the idea of a fence and quickly escape, and when Clarkson attempts to wean the calves, they too break out and cause chaos. In addition, the new roosters brought in to help fertilize the soil also prove to be difficult to handle.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm 2: Surviving

   2023    Nature
Another year in the life of Diddly Squat Farm, run by Jeremy Clarkson, Britain's best-known but least-qualified amateur farmer. Season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm promises to be even better than the first as Clarkson and his rag tag group combat the public, the council, and the government.
In the first episode, Clarkson attempts to diversify his farm's revenue sources (having made only £144 in the previous year) in an effort to increase his profits. He decides that his primary way of doing this will be a new herd of cows and promptly purchases several of the animals. However, the timing of when they will bring in money and the necessity of building an enclosure for them causes problems for Jeremy and Charlie. Meanwhile, inspired by the success of the farm shop, Clarkson has the idea to open a restaurant in the abandoned lambing barn to sell his beef and lamb, but he must deal with the cost of converting the barn and getting approval from the local council.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2

Eating Our Way To Extinction

   2021    Nature
Starring globally renowned figures and the world's leading scientists, 'Eating Our Way To Extinction' will take you on a journey - A powerful cinematic feature documentary that opens the lid on the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about: Unsustainable beef cattle production leads to deforestation, increased pollution and plundering of resources. Alarming and entertaining, this compelling film will make you never look at your food or the food industry in the same way again.
We cannot deny the destruction of our planet any longer. The damage is clear and we have nowhere else to go! It is time to face the truth, however uncomfortable that may be – we are on borrowed time. But every day we have the power to make great food choices for our planet, palate and person.

Human Worlds

   2022    Nature
A guide to plants that thrive in human-dominated environments, including trees that grow across canyons in India, which have developed into living bridges. The programme examines the origins of growing crops and the ongoing influence on the world of wild plants, as well as efforts to preserve species, from snipers firing pesticide bullets from helicopters to fend off invasive plants to plants being painstakingly pollinated using a paintbrush.
Series: The Green Planet

Playing God: Editing the Building Blocks of Life

   2021    Medicine
The film explores the revolutionary gene-editing tech now giving humankind the freedom to redraw the blueprint of biological life itself. We investigate not only the tremendous potential the technology holds, whether in the fight to eliminate diseases or in transforming agriculture to adapt to unprecedented climate extremes, but also probe the inherent risks involved and the potential for widespread abuse, dangers that could take our future down a very dark, dystopian path.
Series: 2030 At a Crossroads to the Future
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture
A Perfect Planet

A Perfect Planet

2021  Nature
Bronze Age

Bronze Age

2016  History
The Cell

The Cell

The Making of the Mob

The Making of the Mob

2016  History
Life in a Day

Life in a Day

2021  Culture