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A Robot Guide to Mars

   2023    Science
Mars is infested with robots, orbiting the planet and roaming the Martian surface on a mission to uncover its secrets; now, Perseverance joins this dedicated group of machines to uncover if there is, or was ever, life on the Red Planet.
Our neighbor, Mars, fascinates us. It's a planet that is similar to Earth but with some big differences. Mars is rusty, dusty, frigid, and frozen. Past missions suggest that Mars was once a very different world. The Mars we see today has completely changed from the Mars of a few billion years ago. Without a time machine to explore ancient Mars, we employ a team of high-tech robot investigators, an entire fleet of robotic spacecraft exploring the planet. Working together, they dig into Mars's past to answer the ultimate question -- did Mars once have life?
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

The Most Violent Event in the Universe

   2023    Science
The collision of two supermassive black holes is the most violent event that can occur in the universe; experts explore where a black hole's energy originates and what really happens when the two most powerful objects in the cosmos clash. It is a soul-chilling, mind-crushing amount of energy. Take your ringside seat to the ultimate fight of the universe. Get ready for the final of the cosmos heavyweight championship.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Countdown to Catastrophe

   2023    Science
November 4, 2029. We face a countdown to catastrophe. A giant asteroid hurtles towards Earth at 40,000 mph. It's heading straight for the eastern seaboard of the United States. The space rock could wipe out an entire city and cause widespread devastation. Can Earth survive? Now, experts confront the story of this fictional asteroid event to determine what could happen, and how it might be stopped.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Solar System Special

   2023    Science
New discoveries have rewritten the history of our solar system, revealing a complex and violent story that begins with the birth of our Sun from the debris of a massive galactic collision, to its eventual fate as a lone zombie star.
It is a dramatic history of elegant beauty and extreme violence. The inner solar system was like a congested highway. Planets crossing lanes, frequent collisions. There were a lot of planets that could have made it but didn't, and we just happen to be one of the lucky ones that did. The players in our solar system's story are more tangled up than we ever imagined. Without all of these things interplaying, the Earth wouldn't have the stable environment that we have today, and life wouldn't be able to exist.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Killer Robots

   2023    Technology
What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application. To behold the fascinating military technology shown here is to witness the birth of a terrible beauty that could annihilate us all.
The documentary is not only chilling, it makes this dark side of artificial intelligence seem inevitable. It is also an essential chronicle to get a general idea of how artificial intelligence is being applied not only in warfare, but also in other areas of our society.
Series: Unknown

Cave of Bones

   2023    Science
In the echoing chambers of a cave located in the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger stumbles upon a revelation that could rewrite History. Not only has he uncovered the world's oldest graveyard, but it's also unlike anything we've ever seen. Amid the shadows, the faint glimmers of ancient hearths, mysterious tools and cryptic symbols hint at rituals beyond our understanding. A place where knowing what an ancient creature did means glimpsing into its very soul.
This isn't just any discovery - it's a journey into a world of human-level complexity in an entirely different species from our own. A tale that beckons with the allure of the unknown, challenging everything we thought we knew about hominid evolution and the origins of belief. A story so profound, it demands respect from the entire human race. Dive into the mystery and experience the awe, spirituality, and eerie wonders of the 'Cave of Bones'.
Series: Unknown


2020  History
Dinosaur Planet

Dinosaur Planet

2003  Science
The Cell

The Cell

Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature