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"Drone"  Sort by

Killer Robots

   2023    Technology
What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application. To behold the fascinating military technology shown here is to witness the birth of a terrible beauty that could annihilate us all.
The documentary is not only chilling, it makes this dark side of artificial intelligence seem inevitable. It is also an essential chronicle to get a general idea of how artificial intelligence is being applied not only in warfare, but also in other areas of our society.
Series: Unknown

Frozen Peaks

   2022    Nature
Mountains create frozen habitats on every continent on Earth, and each of these high-altitude worlds holds unique challenges for its surprising and remarkable life.
We begin our journey close to the equator - the furthest point from the poles - in East Africa. Here on the high slopes of Mount Kenya, during the day the tropical sun keeps the cold at bay, but at night the frost descends. During this cycle of freeze and thaw, a pregnant high-casqued chameleon must choose the right time to give birth if her newborns are to escape the deadly night freeze.
Away from the equator in the European Alps, long cold winters give way to short, bountiful summers. For a pair of golden eagles raising their chick, the demand to provide enough food for it drives them to tackle prey five times their size. To catch a goat-like chamois, they risk it all using one of the most daring and breathtaking hunting techniques ever witnessed.
The mountains of Japan are the snowiest place on Earth, providing hostile conditions for a lone male macaque cast away from his troop. His only chance of survival comes with finding another male whose embrace will provide him with life-saving warmth. But in the frozen peaks, the deadliest force is an avalanche whose full destructive power is captured for the first time using high-speed camera racer drones.
The roof of the world is home to an array of unexpected cold-loving creatures. In the remote Southern Alps of New Zealand, a species of parrot - the kea - uses its famed intelligence to feed on the dead. And in the Andes in South America, flamingos thrive in high-altitude volcanic lakes, but their chicks must race to escape the winter freeze or risk becoming trapped in the ice.
Today, due to climate change, our frozen peaks are undergoing rapid change. Using groundbreaking time-lapse photography, we reveal mountain glaciers vanishing before our very eyes and discover what a warming world may mean for our most famous mountain resident of all, the giant panda.
Series: Frozen Planet II

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy

   2021    Technology
Technology is defining the future of warfare, providing capabilities that were previously unreachable. Every technological leap redraws the battle lines we once knew. The future of warfare lies beyond battlefields to the uncharted reaches of outer space, and even to the digital realm.
In the first episode, artificial intelligence and autonomy are no longer just the field of science fiction; they are a key part of the fourth industrial revolution, and successfully harnessing the power of this new technology will be integral to the success of future warfare.
Series: Future Warfare


   2018    Culture
The film uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind's dominion over the animal kingdom. While mainly focusing on animals used for food, it also explores other ways animals are exploited and abused by humans, including clothing, entertainment and research.
In words of its writer & director, Chris Delforce, 'Dominion to me is the idea of one group or entity exercising control, power or authority over another, under the belief that they have the right to do so. Often this belief seems to stem from the perception of self-superiority and that might equals right. Through this film I challenge both the notion that animals are inferior, and that we as humans have the right to use and treat them as we please for our own ends – and I briefly examine how this superiority complex has and continues to complement some of humanity's darkest ideologies, asking viewers to consider the similarities between racism, sexism and speciesism.'

Artificial Intelligence

   2018    Technology
Zachary Quinto embarks on a journey to understand how artificial intelligence may already be a threat to humanity. He visits Facebook headquarters where he learns about a failed AI experiment where two chat boxes created a language that only they could understand. Zach also gets a firsthand look at the world's latest technology, including life-like dolls programmed with advanced AI, robots that learn and communicate telepathically, highly intelligent drones of war, and Uber self-driving cars.
Series: In Search of

National Bird

   2016    Culture
The film follows the dramatic journey of three whistleblowers who are determined to break the silence around one of the most controversial current affairs issues of our time: the secret U.S. drone war. At the center of the film are three U.S. military veterans. Plagued by guilt over participating in the killing of faceless people in foreign countries, they decide to speak out publicly, despite the possible consequences. Their stories take dramatic turns, leading one of the protagonists to Afghanistan where she learns about a horrendous incident. But her journey also gives hope for peace and redemption. National Bird gives rare insight into the U.S. drone program through the eyes of veterans and survivors, connecting their stories as never seen before in a documentary. Its images haunt the audience and bring a faraway issue close to home.
Get Gotti

Get Gotti

2023  History
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Secrets of the Dead

Secrets of the Dead

2017  History


2009  Nature
Empire of the Tsars

Empire of the Tsars

2017  History


2007  Science