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"Forest"  Sort by

Chimp Empire: Paradise

   2023    Nature
Dive into the heart of Uganda's Ngogo Forest, where a community of chimpanzees exhibits an intricate dance of politics, family ties, and territorial conflict. For a quarter-century, scientists and trackers have witnessed firsthand the chimps' evolving political dramas and familial bonds. Now, this series offers an unprecedented lens into this world, capturing the tribe's most defining moments: battles for dominance, growing offspring, budding romances, and the ever-shifting leadership. Join us for an intimate journey into the lives of the Ngogo chimps, where every day is a fight for survival and power. Don't miss this captivating look into the heart of the chimp empire.
The first episode delves into the captivating world of chimpanzees, drawing parallels with human existence. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on an enlightening journey into the lives of these primates, highlighting the profound similarities and unique stories they share with humans.
Series: Chimp Empire


   2023    Nature
The fourth episode plunges us into the heart of the jungle for an exciting story of power, politics, and survival. Days after a fierce battle with Western rivals, Jackson, the alpha male, grapples with the aftermath of his injuries. The strength of an alpha is paramount, and physical frailty can quickly translate into political vulnerability. While Jackson's allies waver, Abrams and Wilson see a golden opportunity to seize control.
As Abrams makes strategic moves against Jackson, the forest resonates with news of the ongoing power struggle, attracting the attention of external threats. Battles for leadership are perilous, with uncertain outcomes for both the reigning alpha and the ambitious challenger. This episode promises an intriguing exploration of chimpanzee society and their relentless pursuit of dominance.
Series: Chimp Empire

Inheriting the Earth

   2023    Science
The seventh episode of the series takes us on an epic journey to discover the extraordinary dynasty of mammals. From their humble origins in the Jurassic forests to their dominance in the modern world, mammals have evolved and survived through cataclysmic events and drastic environmental changes. From the small coati in the jungle to the majestic Megacerops, passing through the elusive snow leopard in the Himalayas and the gigantic marine mammals like whales, the documentary illustrates the adaptability and diversity of these incredible beings.
With stunning images and masterful narration, the documentary is a window to the resilience and beauty of life on Earth, celebrating the tenacity and ingenuity of mammals throughout the ages.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Age of Ice and Fire

   2023    Science
The final episode begins with a description of the extreme cold conditions that characterized the beginning of the Holocene period, and how species like the bison and the wolf adapted to survive in these hostile environments. We will witness the majesty of the woolly mammoth and the fierce cave lion, with a vivid reconstruction of their struggles for survival. We'll see the impact of climate change during this period, from the expansion of the deserts to the transformation of the tropical rainforests of Africa into grasslands, deeply affecting primates and other animals. It highlights how these changes forced primates to adapt to life on the ground, facing new challenges and predators.
A crucial turn occurred with the emergence of humans as dominant predators and their influence on the extinction of large mammals. The documentary describes humanity's transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers, a change that radically altered the landscape and biodiversity of the planet. Finally, it poses a reflection on the current challenges of climate change and the sixth mass extinction, inviting viewers to consider humanity's crucial role in shaping the future of the Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Planet Earth III: Ocean

   2023    Nature
This second episode is a captivating exploration of the ocean's wonders and mysteries. It reveals how a significant part of our planet remains unexplored, primarily due to its vast water coverage. The film emphasizes the extraordinary discoveries awaiting every journey below the water's surface, with over a thousand new species identified annually. Home to 80% of all animal life on Earth, the ocean's diverse habitats host a range of surprising behaviors and life-and-death struggles, often hidden beneath a serene exterior.
The shallow tropical seas, appearing as paradises, are actually arenas of intense survival battles. Predatory lionfish, with their patient hunting tactics, and clown frogfish, using a unique fishing rod-like dorsal fin as a lure, demonstrate the ocean's complex food web. The documentary also explores the kelp forests off the North American coast, revealing their role as nurseries for young horn sharks. Amidst these underwater forests lurk giant sea bass, wolf-eels, and various sharks like houndsharks and broadnose sevengills, posing significant threats to the smaller inhabitants. The episode takes viewers to the twilight and midnight zones of the ocean, unveiling alien-like creatures such as the siphonophore, glass squid, and gulper eel, adapted to the extreme conditions of deep waters. The journey concludes with the moving story of the pearl octopus, whose devotion to her eggs in the challenging deep-sea environment is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
This episode is not only a showcase of the ocean's diverse inhabitants but also a reminder of the urgent need to understand and protect this vast, mysterious, and vital part of our planet.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Freshwater

   2023    Nature
Covering one tenth of all species on the planet, Freshwater is a rich, diverse habitat filled with never-ending surprises. The fourth episode is set beneath the Yucatan Peninsula and spanning diverse locations like the rainforests of Costa Rica and the Kalahari Desert and presents a vivid exploration of how freshwater shapes life on Earth. The narrative journeys through the unique breeding rituals of gliding tree frogs in Costa Rica, the strategic hunting methods of mugger crocodiles in Sri Lanka, and the astonishing adaptations of wildlife in the Okavango Delta. It highlights the critical role of freshwater in supporting diverse ecosystems, from the teeming fish species in Lake Malawi to the perilous journey of gobies in Bioko.
The episode also addresses human impact, showcasing the extensive irrigation system in Pakistan and its unintended consequences on local wildlife, like the endangered Indus river dolphin. This captivating chapter not only showcases nature's marvels but also underscores the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife conservation.
Series: Planet Earth III
Human universe

Human universe

2014  Technology
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock

2018  Science
Apocalypse: World War 1

Apocalypse: World War 1

2014  History
Human Universe

Human Universe

2014  History