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"Giovanni Cassini"  Sort by

The Sacrifice of Cassini

   2020    Technology
The 8th episode reviews Giovanni Cassini's life. His observations of Saturn and its moons would have an enduring effect on the scientific world. Neil deGrasse Tyson also narrates the mysterious untold story of the scientist who figured out how to go the Moon while fighting for his life in a WWI trench. Aleksandr Shargei changed his name to Yuri Kondratyuk out of fear for his life and wrote a manuscript on rocket motion and space colonization. This letter would end up capturing the attention of an engineer working on the Apollo program, John Houbolt, and would made the Apollo Mission possible.
We will also know the saga of the twenty-year long odyssey of Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, a robotic explorer ordered to commit suicide on another world.
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