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   2018    Technology
In 1983 Hasbro bought the license of the Diaclone and Micro Change toys from Takara, then commissioned Marvel Comics to come up with a story-line and character names for the toys. The result: Transformers. Despite Tonka releasing the cheaper Gobots line six months earlier, Hasbro's Transformers took the toy market by storm in 1984, raking in US$150 million that year. At the peak of the toy line's popularity, The Transformers: The Movie hit theaters to further capitalize on its success, but the film polarized fans and collectors with the death of Optimus Prime and majority of the original characters. As Hasbro took full control of Transformers from Takara by the late 1980s, sales declined until the toy line was discontinued in 1991. After the failed Generation 2 reboot, Beast Wars rejuvenated the franchise in 1995.
In 2007, the live-action Transformers film solidified Transformers' position as Hasbro's flagship toy line.
Series: The Toys that Made Us

Apocalyptic Visions

   2016    Science
The end is coming. But which cosmic catastrophe will deliver the death blow? Were the Vikings right to fear the frozen apocalypse of an endless winter? Did the Buddhists correctly predict a fiery end to life on Earth? Or will the thunderous Christian vision of Armageddon come crashing down from the stars? Which ancient prophesy do scientists believe accurately foretells our doom? And how close are we to the end of the world?
This film explores all the possibilities Apocalyptic Visions to the Future.
Series: The Universe Season 8

The Last Dance Episode VII

   2020    Culture
Crushed by the death of his father, a mentally exhausted Michael Jordan retires in 1993 - to play baseball. The Chicago Bulls move on with Scottie Pippen in the lead role. In 1998, Jerry Krause confirms this will be Phil Jackson's last year as the coach of the Bulls.
Series: The Last Dance


   2014    Art
Dave Grohl returns to his musical roots, while the Foo Fighters prepare to record at Seattle's Robert Lang Studio with Death Cab for Cutie's Benjamin Gibbard. Dave sets his focus on the Seattle music scene, mainly the grunge movement and its implications in American Rock Music. Interviews with Chris Cornell, Nancy Wilson, Bruce Pavitt.
Series: Sonic Highways

Planet Earth II Deserts

   2016    Nature    HD
The world's deserts are lands of extremes that force animals to come up with ingenious ways of coping with hostile conditions, giving rise to the most incredible survival stories on earth. A pride of desert lions are so hungry they risk hunting a giraffe several times their size, while male sandgrouse fly 120 miles each day to the nearest waterhole and dice with death to collect water for their chicks. Filmed for the first time, a tiny bat does battle with one of the world's deadliest scorpions, and in Madagascar, a locust swarm of biblical proportions is seen as never before.
Series: Planet Earth II

Death of the Last Stars

   2019    Science
Stars helped create us, building and spreading the ingredients for life to develop. But there will definitely be a point in the future when, in the future when, you look up, you will no longer be able to see stars.
For billions of years, stars brought life to the universe. Now, they're dying out in a star apocalypse. What's causing the die-off, and what happens to life when the lights go out?
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8