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When Banana Ruled

   2017    History
The saga of a handful of conquerors who built an empire in Central America and invented the methods of one of the very first multinationals. In 19th century Central America, a few entrepreneurial cowboys built an empire that enslaved populations and corrupted governments for over 100 years. The United Fruit Company thrived on unregulated capitalism; this film tells its story and that of its pioneers who feared neither God nor Man, and managed to get away with murder. Until the 1970s, that multinational set up a monopoly by combining violence, repression, corruption, environmental destruction and a formidable marketing machine. It turned an unknown fruit into an instrument of fortune and domination, and created a business model still largely used by today’s tech giants.
Using a rich trove of archival footage and documents, including letters to and from lobbyists, telegrams, vintage ads and movie clips, and gorgeous, hand-tinted stills, 'When Banana Ruled' is a story of intrigue that touches on economics, international politics, the history of business and reveals how an array of forces conquered the world through a simple fruit.

Stephen Curry: Underrated

   2023    History
The film chronicles the meteoric rise of one of basketball's most influential figures. From his humble beginnings as an undersized player at a lesser-known college to dominating the NBA stage, this documentary weaves together captivating current and archival footage, as well as insightful interviews, to showcase Curry's journey. Watch as he overcomes challenges and defies odds, culminating in four NBA championships, and cementing his legacy in one of the sport's greatest dynasties. A must-see for any sports enthusiast!

Nuclear Now

   2022    Technology
With unprecedented access to the nuclear industry in France, Russia, and the United States, director Oliver Stone delves deep into the groundbreaking technologies that promise a revolution in energy production. But this is not just a story of power and progress; it's a tale of dispelling myths and confronting the fears surrounding nuclear energy. From the passionate voices of those funding their ventures to the illuminating insights of visionaries like Stephen Hawking, 'Nuclear Now' challenges viewers to question their preconceptions.
Join this journey to uncover the truths, understand the risks, and judge the possibilities. Imagine a tomorrow that is brighter than today, where humanity harnesses the primordial power of the atom to ensure a future we can all look forward to. Dive into the debate, and decide for yourself.

Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

   2023    Medicine
In a world where the pursuit of health pushes us towards organic aisles and fresh produce, this film uncovers a chilling revelation: the very foods promoted for wellness might be our greatest peril. As we navigate grocery store aisles, seemingly benign items like romaine lettuce, cut fruit, and even infant formula hide tales of contamination and legal battles. This gripping exposé dives deep into the unsettling truth about our food, revealing risks where we least expect them.
With every bite, we make choices about our health. But what if those choices, even the most well-intentioned ones, are not as safe as we believe? Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food challenges our perceptions and urges viewers to question: In the modern food landscape, is anything truly safe? The film is a truly call to action for the officials who have the power to mitigate the danger caused by foodborne pathogens that kill thousands of people every year.

The Spy in Your Mobile

   2023    Technology
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of global cybersecurity with this riveting documentary that navigates the operations of the NSO Group. As a private entity leading the charge in cyber intelligence technologies, Group's flagship spyware, PEGASUS, ignites international debates on surveillance and privacy rights. Delve into the clandestine layers of this contentious group and witness firsthand the intricate, and often unsettling realities of contemporary cyber surveillance.
The film scrutinizes the formidable and unnerving Pegasus spyware, retailed by the Israeli NSO Group, and employed against journalists, activists, and even entire governments. The ensuing tensions and frustrations create a drama that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Prepare to be enthralled by this real-life cyber saga; it's an exploration you won't want to miss.

Ed Sheeran: Love

   2023    History
Follows Sheeran's personal life as he discusses how this trying time has affected him and his new music. The film will spotlight how an unlikely child with a stutter rose to fame and how his chart-topping hits were born.
Ed Sheeran is one of the biggest music stars in the world. He’s sold more than 150 million records worldwide. But who is the man behind the music? Episode 1 serves as an introduction to Ed Sheeran himself. Ed discusses his career story and falling in love. While some artists would do one gig a night, Ed would hustle constantly performing 3 shows a night and giving out as many CDs as possible to get his music out there. Meeting Jamal Edwards changed everything for Sheeran, and end up being Sheeran’s breakaway hit, opening doors and catapulting his career to the stars.
Series: Ed Sheeran: The Sum of It All
Long Way Up

Long Way Up

2020  Culture
The Story of Maths

The Story of Maths

2008  Science


2009  Nature
Generation Iron

Generation Iron

2018  History


2020  Culture
Natural World

Natural World

2009  Nature
Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Rise of Empires: Ottoman

2020  History