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Freightened: The Real Price of Shipping

90% of the goods we consume in the West are manufactured in far-off lands and brought to us by ship. The cargo shipping industry holds the key to our economy, our environment and the very model of our civilization; without it, it would be impossible to fulfill the ever-increasing demands of our societies. Yet the functioning and regulations of this business remain largely obscure to many, and its hidden costs affect us all. Due to their size, freight ships no longer fit in traditional city harbors; they have moved out of the public's eye, behind barriers and checkpoints.
The film answers questions such as: Who pulls the strings in this multi-billion dollar business? To what extent does the industry control our policymakers? How does it affect the environment above and below the water-line? And what's life like for modern seafarers? Taking us on a journey overseas and oceans, we reveal in an audacious investigation the many faces of world-wide freight shipping and sheds light on the consequences of an all-but-visible industry.

Kennedy Sinatra and the Mafia

   2023    History
This featured documentary delves into the tangled web of politics, show business, and organized crime in post-World War II America. It traces the unlikely connections between President John F. Kennedy, iconic singer Frank Sinatra, and notorious mobsters, revealing a saga of mutual assistance amidst corruption and betrayal. The film highlights the complex interplay of fame, money, and power, illustrating how these forces helped these figures rise to prominence in a chaotic and corrupt American landscape, ultimately leading to personal and political tragedies.
The documentary paints a vivid picture of Kennedy and Sinatra's ascent, influenced by their ties with the mafia. Kennedy, groomed for power from birth, and Sinatra, rising from humble beginnings, both relied on mafia connections for their successes. As Kennedy's political career and Sinatra's entertainment stature grew, so did their dependence on the underworld. The film culminates in the portrayal of Sinatra's deep involvement in Kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign and the subsequent betrayal of the mafia by the Kennedy administration, suggesting that this complex network of relationships may have played a role in Kennedy's assassination. This provocative tale is a stark reminder of the dark intersection of fame, power, and crime.

When Banana Ruled

   2017    History
The saga of a handful of conquerors who built an empire in Central America and invented the methods of one of the very first multinationals. In 19th century Central America, a few entrepreneurial cowboys built an empire that enslaved populations and corrupted governments for over 100 years. The United Fruit Company thrived on unregulated capitalism; this film tells its story and that of its pioneers who feared neither God nor Man, and managed to get away with murder. Until the 1970s, that multinational set up a monopoly by combining violence, repression, corruption, environmental destruction and a formidable marketing machine. It turned an unknown fruit into an instrument of fortune and domination, and created a business model still largely used by today’s tech giants.
Using a rich trove of archival footage and documents, including letters to and from lobbyists, telegrams, vintage ads and movie clips, and gorgeous, hand-tinted stills, 'When Banana Ruled' is a story of intrigue that touches on economics, international politics, the history of business and reveals how an array of forces conquered the world through a simple fruit.

A Liar Not a Failure

   2023    History
This TV series delves into the rise and fall of Bernie Madoff, the man behind the largest fraud in US history. With his Ponzi scheme, Madoff bilked $65 billion from unsuspecting victims, marking one of the greatest cons in the history of investment banking. The series offers an intriguing look into the mind of this monumental swindler.
In the first episode we will see how Bernie Madoff starts his career in penny stock trades and builds a lucrative side business as an adviser, attracting clients with impressive returns.
Series: Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street


   2022    Medicine
Phil Stutz is one of the world's leading psychiatrists. He's helped countless patients over 40 years, including world-class creatives and business leaders, and among them many therapy-skeptics. Directed by friend and patient Jonah Hill, the film explores Stutz's life and walks the viewer through his signature visualization exercises, ‘The Tools’. As Hill sits down with Stutz for an unorthodox session that flips their typical doctor-patient dynamic, they bring The Tools to life in a humorous, vulnerable and ultimately therapeutic experience.
Featuring candid discussion of both Stutz's and Hill's personal mental health journeys, alongside the lighthearted banter of two friends from different generations, the film beautifully frames The Tools and the journey toward mental health in a manner that's accessible to anyone whether or not they are actively seeking help.

Elon Musk: Superhero or Supervillain

   2022    History
Profile of the billionaire entrepreneur, one of a tiny group of powerful, uber-rich men with global reach exceeding governments. The programme features contributions from those who know Musk, who have worked with him, and who have made millions investing in his businesses, as well as those who have gone to war with his companies.


2019  Technology
How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet

2012  Science
Long Way Up

Long Way Up

2020  Culture
Dirty Money

Dirty Money

2018  Culture