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Social Networkers

   2024    Nature
The third episode unveils the enigmatic world of octopuses, long believed solitary creatures, revealing their unexpected social behaviors. Follow Dr. Alex Schnell as she forms a unique bond with Scarlett, a shy female day octopus, challenging the long-held belief that these creatures are ultimate loners. Witness intense interactions, from rival confrontations to cooperative hunting with other species, shedding light on the complex social dynamics of these intelligent beings. The film also takes you deep beneath the ocean to octopus nurseries and an extraordinary octopus oasis where multiple species coexist.
Discover how octopuses use their remarkable problem-solving abilities and sophisticated communication to navigate their environments and form selective social interactions. ‘Social Networkers’ redefines our understanding of these ancient, intelligent marine animals and their secret social lives, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
Series: Secrets of the Octopus

Freightened: The Real Price of Shipping

90% of the goods we consume in the West are manufactured in far-off lands and brought to us by ship. The cargo shipping industry holds the key to our economy, our environment and the very model of our civilization; without it, it would be impossible to fulfill the ever-increasing demands of our societies. Yet the functioning and regulations of this business remain largely obscure to many, and its hidden costs affect us all. Due to their size, freight ships no longer fit in traditional city harbors; they have moved out of the public's eye, behind barriers and checkpoints.
The film answers questions such as: Who pulls the strings in this multi-billion dollar business? To what extent does the industry control our policymakers? How does it affect the environment above and below the water-line? And what's life like for modern seafarers? Taking us on a journey overseas and oceans, we reveal in an audacious investigation the many faces of world-wide freight shipping and sheds light on the consequences of an all-but-visible industry.

Eating You Alive

   2018    Medicine
A provocative and enlightening documentary that delves into the little-known power of plant-based eating to heal our bodies and the planet. Through concrete interviews and compelling testimonials, the film explores how chronic diseases, which have become epidemics in the Western world, can be significantly improved and even reversed by changes in diet. Doctors, scientists, and celebrities share their insights and personal experiences, debunking the notion that medicine and surgical procedures are the only answers to serious health conditions. This documentary not only highlights the transformative impacts of diet on health but also addresses the ethical and environmental implications of our food choices.
‘Eating You Alive’ offers an inspiring vision of how we can take control over our health, live in harmony with the environment, and effect positive change in our lives and the world around us. This film is a call to action, not just for those looking to improve their health but also for those committed to sustainability and the well-being of the planet.

Our Precious Isles

   2023    Nature
In the first episode, Sir David Attenborough reveals the unexpected wildlife riches of the British Isles, showcasing the dramatic and spectacular habitats that rival any across the globe. This journey uncovers the diversity of life in the UK's unique landscapes, from the intricate world of bumblebees to the swift lives of kingfishers. The episode captures extraordinary scenes of nature, including killer whales preying on seals, golden eagles in the Scottish mountains, the cunning tactics of woodland plants, and the perilous life of puffins evading gulls. It highlights Britain's geological diversity as a cornerstone of its natural wealth, contributing to an array of habitats and supporting a wide range of life.
Britain's importance extends to being a haven for migratory birds, with our seas feeding 65% of the world's gannets and supporting the largest colony of northern gannets on Scotland's Bass Rock. The west coast of Scotland offers sanctuary to barnacle geese due to its abundant food and mild climate, though they remain vigilant against hunting sea eagles. Despite these natural treasures, Britain faces challenges as one of the most nature-depleted countries globally. Sir David Attenborough emphasizes the need to conserve and restore these wild isles for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations.
Series: Wild Isles

Planet Earth III: Heroes

   2023    Nature
In this captivating final episode of the series we meet some incredible conservation champions on nature's front line, fighting to preserve the future of our beautiful planet. The episode opens with a dramatic rescue operation for the critically endangered black rhino, showcasing the efforts of Dumi Zwane and his team to establish a new breeding colony in a safe haven. The focus then shifts to the Centro Jambatu research center in the Andes, where Jaime Culebras works tirelessly to save the last of certain frog species. The documentary also highlights the efforts of Trang Nguyen, who bravely infiltrates the illegal wildlife trade in West Africa to protect forest elephants from ivory poachers. Meanwhile, in Vienna, Katharina Huchler undertakes a remarkable journey to reintroduce the northern bald ibis to Europe after its extinction 400 years ago. Indigenous leader Alessandra Korap's battle to preserve the Amazon rainforest from exploitation is a key focus, alongside Mohamed Nasheed's fight against climate change to save coral reefs and his country.
This episode addresses the broader issue of habitat destruction, emphasizing its role as a primary driver of extinction. It poignantly demonstrates the interconnectivity of life on Earth and the critical importance of conservation efforts.
Series: Planet Earth III

In the Shadow of Giants

   2023    Science
The fifth episode of the series is a fascinating exploration of the dinosaur era and its impact on the evolution of life on Earth. Through a journey of 200 million years, we discover how the breakup of Pangea and tectonic changes shaped biodiversity and created environments for dinosaurs and other forms of life to flourish. From the majestic Diplodocus to the formidable Allosaurus, the documentary brings to life the giants that once dominated our planet. Additionally, it shows the evolution of plants, highlighting the emergence of flowers and their symbiotic relationship with insects, such as termites and ants, whose social and evolutionary dynamics are explored in depth. The narrative also addresses the rise of mammals and their coexistence with dinosaurs, highlighting species such as the Numbat and their struggle for survival.
With stunning imagery and a captivating narrative, this episode is an invitation to learn, marvel, and reflect on the extraordinary history of life on Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet
Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Generation Iron

Generation Iron

2018  History
Nova Wonders

Nova Wonders

2018  Technology
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature
Life on Our Planet

Life on Our Planet

2023  Science