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"Ideas and Movements"  Sort by

The Power of Us

   2018    Culture
Can we find a way to distribute power so that everyone has their say? A U.S. president explains the challenges of making decisions that affect hundreds of millions of lives, and Freeman learns about an African woman who has created a society without men. He explores how the rise of the internet may fundamentally change how democracy works.
Series: The Story of Us

The Rebel Spirit

   2018    Culture
Freeman's quest to understand what makes a rebellion successful brings him face-to-face with exiles, whistle blowers, hackers and movement leaders. From Berlin to Bolivia to the United States, he'll see the courage, dedication, hard work and hope that it takes to try to change the world.
Series: The Story of Us


   2018    Culture
Targeting unsuspecting Americans, a group of payday lenders made millions off small loans with undisclosed charges, inflated interest rates and incomprehensible rules. But the way the laws are written, is that a crime or just business?
Series: Dirty Money

The Stanford Prison Experiment

   2019    Culture
It all begins as a study on the psychology of prison life led by Stanford psychology professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo. 24 volunteers - 12 guards and 12 prisoners - have agreed to spend the next two weeks recreating life in a correctional facility. Normal people can become monsters, given the right situation, that's the standard narrative of the Stanford Prison Experiment, one of the most famous psychological experiments of all time.
But what if the cause of its participants' cruel behavior wasn't what we've always been told?
Series: Mind Field

Should I Die

   2019    Culture
Someday, I will die. But should I? If I was offered a longer life, I would take that in a second. But how long is too long? Is death something I should deny forever, or is death and the role it plays in the universe something I am better off accepting?
Series: Mind Field

How to Talk to Aliens

   2019    Technology
Where is everyone? We have been listening for messages from outer space for more than half a century, and so far... silence, why? Are we truly alone in the universe? Or is everyone else acting like us and just doing a lot of listening? Maybe we need to be louder. Maybe we need to send more messages out there. But how do you write a letter to an extraterrestrial whose language and culture and biology and mind we have no concept of? And what do you say?
Given all of the unknowns about what they might behave, should we say anything at all?
Series: Mind Field
Get Gotti

Get Gotti

2023  History
Human: The World Within

Human: The World Within

2021  Medicine
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
Welcome to Earth

Welcome to Earth

2021  Nature
The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

2018  Science
Black Hole Apocalypse

Black Hole Apocalypse

2018  Science