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"Plant"  Sort by

Human Worlds

   2022    Nature
A guide to plants that thrive in human-dominated environments, including trees that grow across canyons in India, which have developed into living bridges. The programme examines the origins of growing crops and the ongoing influence on the world of wild plants, as well as efforts to preserve species, from snipers firing pesticide bullets from helicopters to fend off invasive plants to plants being painstakingly pollinated using a paintbrush.
Series: The Green Planet

Chernobyl: The New Evidence

   2022    Culture
A catastrophe still reverberating today with Chernobyl on the front line of war. Formerly secret KGB files reveal the astonishing truth about the 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine, with leading experts and eyewitness accounts.
Newly declassified evidence from KGB archives reveals that the KGB had concerns about the safety of the Chernobyl nuclear plant even as it was being built. The film includes first-hand accounts from survivors, including Oleksiy Ananenko, who braved radioactive waters to prevent a second explosion, and Maryna Sivets, whose unborn child's life was put at risk.

The Big Bang: Before the Dawn

   2021    Science
How did the universe come to be? Thanks to a series of discoveries, our most powerful space missions have unravelled 13.8 billion years of cosmic evolution and revealed the story of our universe from its birth all the way to the arrival of our nascent civilization. Our guide on this odyssey back to the dawn of time is light. Telescopes are time machines - by looking out into the distant universe, they open a window to the past. One telescope more than any other has helped us journey through the history of the universe: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Remarkably, Hubble has even found one of the first galaxies ever to exist in the universe, which was born some 13.4 billion years ago. It's a discovery that hints at the beginnings of our own Milky Way. Vivid CGI brings this ancient galaxy to life, allowing us to witness for ourselves the first dawn. It was the beginning of a relationship between stars and planets that would, on a faraway world, lead to the origin of life - and ultimately to us.
Hubble’s incredible discoveries have allowed scientists to piece together much of our cosmic story, but it cannot take us back to the most important moment in history: the Big Bang. For decades, the moment the universe began was the subject of pure speculation, but by combining astronomy and cosmology, scientists have finally found a way to put their theories to the test and study the momentous events that took place during the Big Bang. They can do this because the European Space Agency’s Planck space telescope has seen the afterglow of the Big Bang itself – something we call the Cosmic Microwave Background. The unparalleled detail Planck gave us has helped confirm something remarkable: the Big Bang may not be the beginning. There was a time before the dawn – a place beyond anything we can comprehend. Professor Brian Cox transports us back to the fraction of a second before the Big Bang, when the seeds of our universe were planted.
Series: Universe

The Cannabis Question

   2021    Medicine
A huge social experiment is underway. Fifty-five million Americans say they currently use cannabis, and that number is expected to grow as voters push for legalization in more and more states. The film investigates the story of cannabis from the criminalization that has disproportionately harmed communities of color to the latest medical understanding of the plant.
What risks does cannabis pose to the developing brain? How much do we know about its potential medical benefits? As cannabis becomes socially accepted, scientists are exploring its long-term health consequences.

The Blob: A Genius without a Brain

   2021    Science
Not an animal, nor a plant, nor fungi, the blob is one giant single cell whose amazing capacities are leading pioneer scientists to a very new world – that of brainless intelligence. More commonly known as slime mould, this extraordinary one-billion-year-old organism challenges our understanding in many different fields.
This fascinating documentary follows top experts from Europe, Japan and the US on a scientific investigation into this most surprising organism.

Borneo: Sacred Forest

   2021    Nature
Travel to the far corners of the planet and discover the secrets of Earth’s few remaining untouched lands, all brimming with life. Isolated from the rest of the world, these places have been protected from the most damaging effects of human interference. In these lands, life exists as nature intended. Delicately balanced, species-rich, unique ecosystems. This series embarks on a breath-taking journey to Earth’s last Edens.
Borneo is the richest rainforest island of all; home to 40,000 species of plants and animals. 6,000 of them are unique -- and more are discovered almost daily.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture
Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II

2016  Nature
Clarkson Farm

Clarkson Farm

2021  Nature
Coldplay Live

Coldplay Live

2012  Art
The Jinx

The Jinx



2020  History