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Love on the Spectrum U.S S2E3

   2024    Culture
Each segment of the series focuses on different individuals, exploring their personal stories with sensitivity and candor. From the excitement of a first date to the nuances of communication and social cues, the film offers a rare glimpse into the romantic lives of those on the autism spectrum. It celebrates the unique ways in which they experience love and relationships, while also addressing the societal barriers they often face. Through these stories, the documentary aims to foster a greater understanding of autism and the diverse ways in which it affects people's lives, especially in the context of dating and love.
In the third episode, Tanner gets to know Kate with a series of questions. A daring Dani catches Jake off guard. Connor works through big feelings before his first date.
Series: Love on the Spectrum U.S.

Love on the Spectrum U.S. S2E7

   2024    Culture
This engaging and heartfelt series explores the nuanced world of individuals on the autism spectrum as they navigate the complex terrain of romantic relationships. From awkward first dates to the thrill of a first kiss, the film delicately balances the universal quest for love with the unique perspectives and experiences of its subjects. Conversations that touch on topics like sex before marriage, the importance of consent, and the struggle to meet societal expectations provide a candid look into the emotional and often misunderstood aspects of autism and dating. This poignant documentary not only sheds light on the joys and obstacles faced by those on the spectrum but also celebrates the diversity of human connection, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the depth of the human heart.
In this episode, Dani gives kissing lessons using a sweet treat. During a doggy playdate, Connor takes a big step with Emily. In Africa, Abbey and David feel the love.
Series: Love on the Spectrum U.S.

The Bloody Hundredth

   2024    History
The film recounts the story of the 100th Bomb Group during World War II and follows bomber crews on dangerous missions to destroy targets inside German-occupied Europe. The Documentary honors the heroes of the Group and portrays the intensity of war, the dangers that the airmen face, and the friendships and relationships that develop. This unit from the Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress suffered tremendous losses in combat, with 177 aircraft missing in action, flying its last mission on 20 April 1945.
Meet the airmen who inspired the tv series 'Masters of the Air' as they share the harrowing and transformative events of the 100th Bomb Group. The interviews with the real-life heroes are revealing, and the wealth of newsreel footage compiled in the documentary is utilized with a sharp eye for detail.

Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut

   2024    Medicine
The film unveils the profound impact of our gut on overall health, an area often overlooked despite its significance. Delving into the complexities of the gut microbiome, this documentary reveals how this ‘second brain’ influences everything from weight management and disease prevention to mental health. By exploring personal stories and scientific research, the film illustrates the dynamic relationship between what we eat and how we feel, urging viewers to reconsider their diets and understand the powerful connection between gut health and wellness.
As the documentary progresses, viewers are introduced to cutting-edge research and therapies that are reshaping our understanding of health. Through expert interviews and captivating case studies, ‘Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut’ not only informs but also inspires a reevaluation of lifestyle choices. This eye-opening journey through the intricate world of gut health highlights the potential for radical improvements in public health, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the latest advancements in science and wellness.


   2023    Nature
Everyone's still reeling from the council's decision and its implications: the money Jeremy's spent on cows for the restaurant, the locals who won't find work there now and the farmers' co-operative that's now defunct. Charlie sets out to find a legal team to help Jeremy appeal the decision, as Jeremy and Kaleb get to work on tagging the new calves and attempting to navigate a government helpline where you're supposed to register them.
There are other useful distractions from the council in the shape of Diddly Squat's Hedge Laying Competition and a mouse that brings the whole farm to a standstill. The legal team that Charlie has assembled pay a visit. They outline their strategy for the appeal, but also the costs that come with it.
Series: Clarkson Farm Season 2


   2023    Science
Pterosaur hatchlings take flight to leave their island sanctuary, but are targeted by several Shamosuchus. Several Austroraptor hunt garfish and contend for the best fishing spots. A male Beelzebufo attempts to attract a mate, but his endeavor is interrupted by a herd of Rapetosaurus. A male Pachycephalosaurus must put an upstart youngster in his place. Two Tyrannosaurus brothers hunt Edmontosaurus under the cover of darkness.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II
Warrior Graveyard

Warrior Graveyard

The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

2018  Science
The Normans

The Normans

2010  History
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature
Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens
