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Prehistoric Planet II: Islands

   2023    Science
Travel back 66 million years to when majestic dinosaurs and extraordinary creatures roamed the lands, seas, and skies in the second season of this acclaimed series narrated by David Attenborough.
After a tropical storm, two Zalmoxes find themselves in a rafting event. On a small island, a monumental display takes place as several Hatzegopteryx ambush a herd of Tethyshadros. A female Majungasaurus hunts a group of Simosuchus. A mother Adalatherium raises her offspring in a burrow, hoping to keep them safe from predators like Masiakasaurus and Madtsoia. A pack of Imperobator pursue a Morrosaurus onto a frozen lake. A male Hatzegopteryx attempts to attract a mate.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II

Arnold Part 2: Actor

   2023    History
In the gripping second episode, we delve deeper into the incredible life of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film reveals the challenges he faced and the resilience that propelled him to the top. We witness Arnold’s meteoric rise to fame in Hollywood. His larger-than-life presence on the screen captivates audiences, solidifying his status as a global superstar. However, as his career soars to new heights, a life-threatening heart surgery forces Arnold to reevaluate his path. This pivotal moment prompts him to question his role as an actor and seek a new direction.
As he battles career setbacks and embraces a newfound passion for politics, viewers will witness the extraordinary transformation of this iconic figure. Don't miss this captivating chapter in Arnold's extraordinary story, where the stage is set for a future that defies all limits.
Series: Arnold

In Cold Blood

   2023    Science
The fourth episode of the series takes you on an epic journey through time, beginning 252 million years ago, in a world devastated by the greatest mass extinction in history. Discover how, from the ashes of this cataclysm, fungi become the dominant form of life in an almost apocalyptic landscape. Witness the astonishing story of survival and adaptation of the Lystrosaurus, curious ancestors of mammals, who emerge as the unlikely heirs of the Earth and transform into the dominant creatures, only to be eventually dethroned by new giant predators like the Erythrosuchus. The documentary culminates with the impressive era of dinosaurs and how they adapted to a constantly changing world, and the reigns of the plesiosaurs and pterosaurs, rulers of the oceans and the air. Finally, learn how these titans gave way to modern reptiles and current birds, leaving a legacy that endures to this day.
This documentary is a window into the fascinating evolutionary history of our planet, showing the resilience and diversity of life through the ages. Prepare to be amazed, informed, and deeply moved by this spectacular chronicle of life on our planet.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Age of Ice and Fire

   2023    Science
The final episode begins with a description of the extreme cold conditions that characterized the beginning of the Holocene period, and how species like the bison and the wolf adapted to survive in these hostile environments. We will witness the majesty of the woolly mammoth and the fierce cave lion, with a vivid reconstruction of their struggles for survival. We'll see the impact of climate change during this period, from the expansion of the deserts to the transformation of the tropical rainforests of Africa into grasslands, deeply affecting primates and other animals. It highlights how these changes forced primates to adapt to life on the ground, facing new challenges and predators.
A crucial turn occurred with the emergence of humans as dominant predators and their influence on the extinction of large mammals. The documentary describes humanity's transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers, a change that radically altered the landscape and biodiversity of the planet. Finally, it poses a reflection on the current challenges of climate change and the sixth mass extinction, inviting viewers to consider humanity's crucial role in shaping the future of the Earth.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Planet Earth III: Deserts and Grasslands

   2023    Nature
The third episode takes viewers on a riveting journey to some of the world's most extreme and breathtaking deserts and grasslands, where nature puts on its most dramatic show. It begins in the arid landscapes of Central Africa's Guelta d'Archei and the Namib Desert in Southwest Africa, places where water is scarce, and survival is a daily battle. The focus then shifts to the remarkable adaptability of creatures like ostriches, who brave the scorching heat and predators to raise their young and a handful of leopards who learned to hunt from trees on the African plains.
In Australia, viewers witness the intricate courtship rituals of the spotted bowerbird, a species facing challenges due to climate change. The narrative then takes us to the vast Eurasian Steppe, home to the unique Saiga antelope, and to Brazil's Cerrado, a biodiverse grassland where the elusive maned wolf plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem.
The episode highlights not only the resilience and beauty of these creatures but also the fragility of their habitats, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation efforts.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Ocean

   2023    Nature
This second episode is a captivating exploration of the ocean's wonders and mysteries. It reveals how a significant part of our planet remains unexplored, primarily due to its vast water coverage. The film emphasizes the extraordinary discoveries awaiting every journey below the water's surface, with over a thousand new species identified annually. Home to 80% of all animal life on Earth, the ocean's diverse habitats host a range of surprising behaviors and life-and-death struggles, often hidden beneath a serene exterior.
The shallow tropical seas, appearing as paradises, are actually arenas of intense survival battles. Predatory lionfish, with their patient hunting tactics, and clown frogfish, using a unique fishing rod-like dorsal fin as a lure, demonstrate the ocean's complex food web. The documentary also explores the kelp forests off the North American coast, revealing their role as nurseries for young horn sharks. Amidst these underwater forests lurk giant sea bass, wolf-eels, and various sharks like houndsharks and broadnose sevengills, posing significant threats to the smaller inhabitants. The episode takes viewers to the twilight and midnight zones of the ocean, unveiling alien-like creatures such as the siphonophore, glass squid, and gulper eel, adapted to the extreme conditions of deep waters. The journey concludes with the moving story of the pearl octopus, whose devotion to her eggs in the challenging deep-sea environment is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
This episode is not only a showcase of the ocean's diverse inhabitants but also a reminder of the urgent need to understand and protect this vast, mysterious, and vital part of our planet.
Series: Planet Earth III
Prehistoric Planet II

Prehistoric Planet II

2023  Science
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Coldplay Live

Coldplay Live

2012  Art
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
The Art of Russia

The Art of Russia

2009  Art
Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods

2009  History
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture